BEAMING project summary

Project description: Improving the global competitiveness and visibility of higher education institutions can be achieved through knowledge exchange between acceding countries and EU Member States with a more developed bioeconomy and R&I ecosystem. The project will develop local and regional implementation strategies and roadmaps for the relevant actions of the ERA policy agenda in the higher education sector, in particular in the bioeconomy and circular economy.

To achieve these goals, it will mobilise the BIOEAST Initiative's excellent network of contacts in Central and Eastern Europe, in addition to opening up this network and building new collaborations between universities and research institutions in South-Eastern Europe and the Western Balkans. Efforts will be made to expand and develop the recently established BIOEAST University Network and to deepen the link with the European Bioeconomy University. 

Project objective: The BEAMING ( (Bioeconomy Excellence Alliance for Stimulating an Innovative and Inclusive Green Transition) project aims to enhance excellence by increasing innovation and knowledge valorisation in the field of circular- and bio-based economy through cooperation between higher education institutions, with a focus on the EU Member States of Central and Eastern and South-Eastern Europe and the Western Balkans.