
A Szegedi Tudományegyetem és az ELI ALPS lézeres kutatóközpont együttműködésében működő Nemzeti Lézeres Transzmutációs Laboratórium nemzetközi viszonylatban figyelmet keltő eredményekről számolt be projektzáró konferenciáján. Az eseményen Lantos Csaba energiaügyi miniszter a tudományos finanszírozást visszaigazoló kutatásnak nevezte a projektet. Bódis László innovációért felelős helyettes államtitkár, a NIÜ vezérigazgatója bejelentette, hogy Missziók néven új kormányprogramot indítanak, amely a nemzeti laboratóriumok eredményeit hasznosítja majd. A szegedi ELI-ALPS Lézeres Kutatóközpontban elvégzett kutatások középpontjában a nukleáris hulladék kezelésének, illetve a lézerimpulzusokkal keltett neutronok felhasználásának kérdése állt.
The call for proposals for the Hungarian Innovation Agency's (NIÜ) programme to support the creation of national innovation events has been amended. The change has widened the range of people who can apply for support and also allows for the possibility to fill in gaps. As a result, the deadline for applications has also changed, with the deadline for applications being 30 October 2024.
The 34th National Science and Innovation Olympiad (OTIO) for young people aged 14-19 has been announced, with a total of more than five million forints in prizes and reimbursements for young people starting an independent project, and special support for the most successful preparatory teachers and secondary schools.
A CERN nemcsak a múlt, hanem a jövő tudományának és technológiájának meghatározó szereplője, igazi zászlóshajó az európai kutatásban és innovációban – nemzetközi összefogással és jelentős magyar részvétellel.
Magyarország továbbra is kiemelkedő eredményeket mutat az innováció terén a 2024-es Global Innovation Index rangsorban
This year and next year, HUF 181 billion will be available in the Economic Development and Innovation Operational Programme (GINOP) Plus to support innovation in small and medium-sized enterprises, announced Balázs Hankó, Minister of Culture and Innovation.
The Hungary Innovation Summit kicked off this year's Innovation Week in Budapest. Organised by the Hungarian Innovation Agency, the Summit featured presentations, workshops and panel discussions with national and international experts discussing the future of innovation, the societal challenges of new technologies and internationally successful models for building innovation ecosystems.
MoreThe Hungarian innovation ecosystem was presented in China with the support and active participation of the Hungarian Innovation Agency (NIÜ). At the events in Shanghai, Hangzhou, Nanjing and Xiamen, collaborations were launched with several Hungarian universities, investors and enterprises, strengthening economic cooperation between the two countries.
Hungary is the guest of honour at one of the world's most prestigious innovation events, the Pujiang Innovation Forum in Shanghai, China. Hungary will be represented by a 40-member delegation of policy makers, scientists, business and academic leaders at the event, which will take place from 7-10 September. The delegation will be led by László Bódis, Deputy State Secretary for Innovation at the Ministry of Culture and Innovation and CEO of the Hungarian Innovation Agency.
On 7 September, the Pujiang Innovation Forum kicked off in Shanghai, where Hungary will be the guest of honour at the four-day event with some forty experts, corporate and academic leaders who will showcase the world-class performance of Hungarian innovation at the Forum's flagship stand.
From September, the Hungarian Startup University Program (HSUP) will be available again in more than 30 higher education institutions. The two-semester course aims to broaden students' knowledge of innovation and to encourage them to create start-ups based on their own projects. From the 2024/25 academic year, the programme will be relaunched with a completely renewed curriculum and will be available in English, the international language of innovation, as successful start-up founders need to be able to pitch to foreign investors, customers and other partners.
An international conference will open Hungary Innovation Week, a series of events organised by the Hungarian Innovation Agency (NIÜ). The Hungary Innovation Summit is the flagship event for those interested in innovation, technological developments and innovative ideas. The Summit keynote speaker will be Jon Medved, founder and CEO of the global venture capital platform OurCrowd. The Hungarian government aims to make Hungary one of the top ten most innovative countries in Europe by 2030.