Science Park project

Science and Innovation Parks (SIPs) are globally recognized mechanisms utilized to foster the advancement of the innovation ecosystem. Their primary objective is to enhance the economic utilization of scientific findings and expedite the pace of innovation.

The main objectives of SIPs in the Neumann programme are:

  • To promote the growth of domestic SMEs and large companies, start-ups and spin-offs in areas of emerging technologies;
  • To create a knowledge-sharing, innovation-rich and collaborative environment with a combination of universities, research institutes, high-tech companies, industrial enterprises and start-ups;
  • To be a key space for linking universities and the economy.

In 2023, the State has provided HUF 500 million (over €1,272,000) for the development of the professional concept of the Science and Innovation Parks to be established by 6 higher education institutions (University of Debrecen, University of Óbuda, University of Pannonia, Semmelweis University, Széchenyi István University, University of Szeged).

The support and monitoring function of NIÜ:

  • NIÜ provides professional support for the elaboration of the professional concept for the development of the Science Park, facilitates and monitors the implementation of the development elements defined in the professional concept, and monitors the achievement of the KPIs agreed in the professional concept.
  • NIÜ publishes a Science Park Development Guide, which includes the aspects to be considered by the University in the development of the concept.