
Hungary on the radar of the international innovation ecosystem this autumn

NIÜ hosts the Hungary Innovation Week at the end of September 

For one week, Hungary will be the focus of attention for those interested in innovation: the National Innovation Agency (NIA) will organise the first Hungary Innovation Week (HIW) at the end of September, which will be a series of events with the participation of key players from the domestic and international innovation ecosystems, to discuss current trends, issues, good practices and how to increase the innovation performance of Hungary and Europe, which is key to economic competitiveness.

The primary objective of Hungary Innovation Week is to bring together innovation events organised in Hungary but with international participants between 23-28 September, thus strengthening the Hungarian research and innovation ecosystem and making it more visible at international level, while creating a forum where domestic and foreign stakeholders can meet, share their experiences and build relationships.

In a series of Startup Roundtable discussions launched by the NIÜ in early 2024, ecosystem stakeholders have indicated the need for public support on 3 topics: building a continuous supply of innovative entrepreneurs, funding early-stage startups and strengthening the international visibility of the innovation ecosystem. This latter need has underpinned the concept of HIW and, as a result, the National Innovation Agency, the organiser, is developing the week's events in consultation with the key players in the field and tailored to their needs. The NIÜ uses partnership agreements to involve the drivers of the innovation ecosystem, i.e. businesses, professional organisations, higher education institutions and research centres, in the events organised during the week.

In addition, one of the highlights of the event will be the Hungary Innovation Summit, an international conference, which will be organised by the NIÜ with the involvement of foreign experts, also on the most pressing issues of innovation, in order to provide the participants with valuable knowledge. "Innovation as well as science and research is an international genre, which is why it is important that the players in the Hungarian innovation ecosystem are visible to international partners. This is why we consider it important to organise Hungary Innovation Week and the Hungary Innovation Summit. Our aim is to create a fruitful cooperation between the actors of the domestic and international innovation ecosystem, with the National Innovation Agency as a catalyst. Therefore, we will develop the structure and themes of the event together with the stakeholders," said László Bódis, CEO of the NIÜ.

HIW is planned to take place in more than 10 venues, with the involvement of more than 20 partners, at the end of September and is expected to attract thousands of actors from the international and domestic innovation ecosystem. Based on the cooperation agreements concluded so far, the Hungarian Venture Capital and Private Equity Association (HVCA), Capital Portal and EduTech will host their autumn event in the framework of HIW, but negotiations are ongoing, so the number of participating organisations is growing week by week and interested organisations still have the opportunity to get involved. 

More details: hungaryinnovationweek.niu.hu