NatI00ns project summary

Project description: A consortium led by Aarhus University in Denmark, one of the top 100 universities in the world, with 13 members including the Hungarian Innovation Agency, has won the Horizon Europe call for proposals HORIZON-MISS-2021-SOIL-02-07 under the mission "A Soil Deal for Europe". The NatI00ns ( project supports the establishment of living laboratories for soil health by organising national information days and providing other technical support. The main objective of the Soil Deal for Europe mission is to create 100 living laboratories and "lighthouses" by 2030, which will be the main depositaries of the innovation process towards healthy soils: the innovations to be developed will contribute to the restoration of ecosystems and biodiversity and the sustainable management of natural resources.

Project objective: NatI00ns will facilitate the effective deployment of the first soil health living laboratories and lighthouses, and will prepare the stakeholder communities (land managers, agro-industries, consumers and society) in Member States and associated countries to work together to effectively address soil health issues across sectors and land uses.