Progress - Enterprise Horizon workshop


2025-05-27 09:30-13:00

In person

1077 Budapest, Kéthly Anna tér 1.

The programme consists of three consecutive training sessions, which can be taken separately, but it is recommended that companies new to HE tenders attend the three levels of training consecutively. The workshops are limited to a maximum of 30 participants, and each training session will be repeated several times throughout the year, depending on applications and current calls for proposals.

Progress is the second, advanced level. Here, participants are expected to have some knowledge of the Horizon Europe application system and to be able to outline which proposals/calls might be of interest to them. In this course, the structure, specific requirements, specific evaluation systems, financial and accountability issues of each application structure will be explained in more detail. Current Horizon Europe Clusters calls, Missions, EIC proposals will be introduced, and the topics will vary accordingly. In addition to the current calls, consortium building tactics will be presented, successful applicants will share their experiences, and participants will also have the opportunity to meet in person with the national contact points for the topic.

So, in addition to the experts from the NIÜ, we will also hear from external experts who have personal experience of the application system, either as successful applicants or as evaluators.


2025-05-27 09:30-13:00

In person

1077 Budapest, Kéthly Anna tér 1.


  • Prior knowledge of the Horizon Europe grant scheme is required.
  • The participant should be able to outline which proposals/calls might be of interest to him/her.
  • The participant will be informed about the structure, specific requirements, specific evaluation systems, financial and accountability issues of each application structure.
  • The current calls of the Horizon Europe Clusters, the Missions, the EIC proposals will be presented.
  • Participants will learn about consortium building tactics.
  • Past successful applicants will share their experiences.
  • Participants will also get to know the national contact points for the topic.

Additional dates are available to register for the workshop. Please see the available dates and register!
