
Hungary will play a prominent role this year at the Shanghai Pujiang Innovation Forum

Szeptember 7-én kezdődött meg a Pujiang Innovációs Fórum Sanghajban, ahol a négy napig tartó rendezvényen idén Magyarország mint díszvendég vesz részt az eseményen mintegy negyven szakértővel, vállalati és egyetemi vezetővel, akik a fórumon elhelyezett kiemelt standnál mutatják be, hogy a magyar innováció milyen területeken nyújt világszínvonalú teljesítményt.

"On the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Hungary and China, Hungary will play a special role at the Pujiang Innovation Forum this year," László Bódis, Deputy State Secretary for Innovation at the Ministry of Culture and Innovation (KIM), told MTI on Saturday.

"Our aim is to strengthen our research, science and innovation relations with Chinese partners, because if we look around the world, we can see that China is ahead of not only Europe but also the United States in innovation and science," he said.

He added that Hungary would also like to be at the forefront of science, research and innovation in various fields, and that close cooperation with Chinese companies and universities is therefore essential.

The main goal of the Hungarian delegation is also to strengthen, further build and deepen these relations, thus, if possible, establishing by the end of the forum cooperation that would help Hungarian companies to sell their products and services in China.

László Bódis also said that during Chinese President Xi Jinping's visit to Hungary in May, a cooperation agreement was signed between the two countries in the field of research and development, with the aim of establishing joint laboratories between Hungarian and Chinese higher education research institutions.

He said the forum would not only help Hungarian companies, but would also help Hungarian universities to establish development cooperation with the world's top Chinese universities and research institutes.

On Sunday, the forum will also host a Hungarian sub-forum on the Sino-Hungarian Science and Innovation Day, which will focus on one of the focus areas of the Neumann János Programme, namely healthy lifestyles, Hungarian medical and health research and innovation.

The Shanghai Pujiang Innovation Forum has been held since 2008, and this year is the 17th edition. The event, which consists of several thematic forums and trade exhibitions, brings together key players in China's innovation ecosystem, government officials, innovators and academic researchers from around the world.

(Source: MTI)