
NIÜ joins the network of European innovation agencies

The Hungarian Innovation Agency (NIÜ) has become an official member of The European Network of Innovation Agencies (TAFTIE), the European network of national innovation agencies, and will gain an even wider international network of contacts, opening up even more opportunities for cooperation, support and knowledge transfer for Hungarian innovative businesses, start-ups, universities and research institutes.

The NIÜ joined the international organisation at the TAFTIE Berne General Assembly. At the event, László Bódis, CEO of the agency, and László Korányi, Deputy CEO, presented the NIÜ and the services provided by the agency, detailing the mutual benefits of membership for both parties.

"This membership will open up a wide range of international cooperation opportunities not only for the ILA, but more importantly for the ILA's partners - innovative entrepreneurs and businesses, start-ups, universities, research institutes. TAFTIE membership plays a key role not only in international networking, but also in knowledge transfer and sharing of best international practices. In addition, member organisations can also set up joint projects and participate in consortia, including Horizon Europe proposals. The latter can provide important experience for our recently launched service, the Enterprise Horizon programme, which helps Hungarian innovative companies to participate in the Horizon Europe programme", said László Bódis.

The Hungarian National Research, Development and Innovation Office (NRDIH) has been a member of TAFTIE for several years, so in the future NRDIH and NIÜ will jointly represent the interests of Hungarian innovation in the organisation. The positive and open attitude of the TAFTIE board, which managed the recruitment process during the 10 months of the multi-stage accession process, contributed to the successful entry.

TAFTIE is chaired by a different Presidency Member State each year: last year by Croatia, this year by Switzerland and next year by Finland. The work of the Presidency also includes the production of thematic workshops and studies. This year, in addition to the members' meeting, a thematic technical conference was organised, focusing on the societal benefits of innovation.

More information about TAFTIE: taftie.eu