
Supporting the green transition is the cornerstone of the Hungarian innovation strategy

In a panel discussion at the GREENOVATION conference organised by the University of Miskolc, our CEO László Bódis said that one of the key focus areas of the Neumann János Programme is the green transition, including climate-neutral and secure energy transition, agri-food, circular economy and water. 

Among the opportunities for green innovation, he said that the challenges are well defined and global in scope, there is motivation among young people to tackle these issues, and domestic research and industrial capabilities in the field are strong. However, the challenge is that successful green innovations consume significant financial resources and have a long payback period, and therefore require very close and strategic cooperation between market and public actors in the implementation of these projects. 

As regards universities, he pointed out that they need to increase the visibility of their research and innovation competences towards the business sector, supported by the new University Research Competences Platform under development by the NRDI Office, which will be launched soon.