FI4INN project summary

Project description: The main objective is to improve the funding opportunities for market-driven research and innovation in the participating countries. The basic problem in the  selected regions is the scarcity of market-driven research and innovation financing instruments and the low capacity to use complex financial instruments. Financial service providers and policymakers are often afraid of implementing such schemes because of their complexity. The project received €2.09 million (of which ERDF support: €1.67 m) under the Interreg Central Europe Programme for implementation over the next 3 years (2023-2026).

Project objective: The FI4NN project will change this by supporting the joint design of new funding instruments in regions that want to boost research and innovation. The project will create a knowledge centre to support new innovative instruments and test new financial instruments in seven regions, including Hungary.

Roadmap Of Suitable Financial Instruments
