
IMPULSE: new NIÜ programme to help innovative businesses enter the market

The Hungarian Innovation Agency's (NIÜ) IMPULSE programme aims to promote the market exploitation of innovative products and services with high market potential from Hungarian companies. Applicants can win a package of innovation support services worth HUF 5 million gross or HUF 7.5 million gross, including group and personalised advice and mentoring on project development, innovation financing, business development, intellectual property protection and other topics.

IMPULSE helps Hungarian innovative SMEs and start-ups to further develop their innovation projects and successfully enter the market. Through this call for proposals, the agency does not provide direct funding, but interested parties can apply for these services. The services will be provided free of charge until the budget is exhausted.

"The Hungarian Innovation Agency, and thus the IMPULSE programme, has set itself the goal of ensuring that no Hungarian invention or innovation with a high innovation content and market potential is lost. Our strategic objective is to ensure that as many Hungarian products and services with high added value as possible reach the commercial exploitation stage, thus contributing to the economic impact of innovation and, through this, to the growth of Hungarian GDP. In many cases, however, Hungarian innovators need not necessarily financial support, but professional assistance and the right contacts to the right actors. This is what the IMPULSE programme helps them to do," said László Bódis, CEO of the NIÜ.

The support packages consist of innovation support services worth HUF 5 million gross and HUF 7.5 million gross respectively. For the larger service package worth HUF 7.5 million, the NIÜ is inviting applications from more technologically mature projects. The packages will include mentoring, project development, project management, project quality assurance, innovation and business development consultancy, as well as one-to-one advice and workshops on IPR protection, financing and venture capital, technology and innovation ecosystem profiles. 

The IMPULSE programme, available from June 2024, has a budget of HUF 175 million.

Businesses can apply for the services as described in the Call for Applications document on the NIÜ website. The programme is funded by the National Research, Development and Innovation Fund under the sub-programme "C" of the Call for Proposals 2021-1.1.2-AKH published by the National Research, Development and Innovation Office.

More information about the call for proposals: https://niu.hu/project/impulse-program