
Science Parks can access international knowledge and networking through a new partnership with the NIÜ

Knowledge-sharing, networking and advocacy are the main objectives of the International Association of Science Parks (IASP), which brings together more than 350 organisations from 77 countries and of which the Hungarian Innovation Agency (NIÜ) has become an official member. As a result of IASP membership, university-based Science Parks will have access to international experience, best practices, data and a vibrant network of contacts, further strengthening their key role in connecting universities and the economy.

The strategic goal is for universities in Hungary to raise their industrial links to a higher level, so that knowledge and technology generated at universities can be more efficiently and effectively used by industry.

"Science parks play a key role in the development of university-based innovation ecosystems, aiming at a more effective economic exploitation of the knowledge and scientific results generated at universities. Science Parks are the physical spaces where universities, research institutions and companies connect and jointly develop, contributing to the creation of deep, long-term, high added value collaborations. Innovations resulting from business collaborations play a central role in the success of our universities, which is why one of the key tasks of the National Innovation Agency is to coordinate and professionally support the development of Science Parks in Hungary", said László Bódis, CEO of the NIÜ, in connection with the accession to the IASP.

The International Association of Science Parks has more than 350 members from 77 countries and its primary objective is to bring together and support organisations that develop innovation parks for knowledge sharing, networking and advocacy. NIÜ's membership in IASP is also of particular importance because the experience, data and contacts gathered in the association enable the agency to support the preparation of Science Park concepts and the implementation process of Hungarian universities much more effectively.