A Brief Description of the Program and its Goals
The Hungarian Startup University Program (HSUP) is Hungary's first university-level, practice-oriented course related to the world of startups. During the initial semester, the focus is on acquiring knowledge of innovative thinking and the startup ecosystem itself. Subsequently, in the second semester, students have the opportunity to gain practical insights into company establishment and growth.
In addition to the exam, program participants are required to draft a onepager document outlining their business idea by the conclusion of the first semester. If the project is approved by the university, this document can serve as a strategic blueprint for students' endeavors in the second semester, during which they can receive professional and financial support of the Hungarian Innovation Agency.
Students who complete the second semester can even present their business idea to investors.
Additional information of the HSUP curriculum
The HSUP study program consists of 7 + 5 modules. At the end of each module, students will be offered a summary and an animated video and will have to take a final test for documenting their knowledge acquired in the framework of the respective module.
The animated videos summarize the most important information of the module, while the tests provide timely feedback to the program managers on the participants’ progress. The average of the tests' scores will make up the students' final grade (at the end of the course).
Tentative Syllabus
1st Semester: (i) Introduction: What is innovation? (ii) What is validation? (iii) Business and financial planning, (iv) Market entry, market analysis, (iv) Intellectual Property and how to protect it, (vi) Presentation of One Pagers, (vii) Pitch deck structure, pitch training.
2nd Semester: (i) How to build the team? (ii) About the market and market entry strategies, (iv) The Business Model Canvas (BMC) and prototyping, (iv) Business and financial planning, (v) Pitch – the presentation of the idea.
Pályázati felhívás
Pályázati űrlap
HSUP Nyilatkozat aláírás minta 3 éven belüli benyújtásáról
HSUP Nyilatkozat - Hallgatói jogviszony igazolásról és elektronikus tanulmányi rendszer exportról
HSUP Nyilatkozat - Jogosultsági feltételek vállalásáról
Kedvezményezettek Tájékoztatási Kötelezettségei
Arculati elemek
Szakmai beszámoló 2025
HSUP Pénzügyi elszámolás 2025
HSUP Hallgatói ösztöndíjszerződés
HSUP pályázati felhívás_2025